Friday Drops
Eye Pad Podcast
Dignity Kits- UNFPA
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Our Mission,Vision & Core Values

Our Mission
To empower young people through education, nurturing talents, mentorship, and life-skills for their sustained social well-being.
Our Vision
Our Values
Trustworthy, Resourceful, Accessible, Caring, Ethical
Our Programmes
Talents and Entrepreneurship
Mental and Sexual Reproductive Health
Education and Mentorship
Our Achievements

"Branyce is a young, hardworking and smart girl who comes from a humble background. Her father works in the informal sector commonly known as “jua-kali” while her mother is a hairdresser. Branyce is the firstborn child in the family and has two siblings. Her prayer is to get admission to a good boarding school in spite of her financial challenges. Branyce says that her dream is to practice law someday, as a lawyer fighting for the rights of children, and helping them achieve their dreams. In her words “I am a young girl, with big dreams in a difficult world”. Branyce is appealing for consideration for a scholarship that would be a boost in helping her achieve her big dreams."
Branyce Akinyi Odhiambo
"Phoebe is a young, inspiring girl who comes from Korogocho Slums in Nairobi. She schools at St Paul’s Ageng’a Secondary School in Migori County. Her parents are casual laborers. Providing for her and her seven siblings is no mean task for her parents. However, Phoebe draws her inspiration from her mother who is the breadwinner of the family. She also draws her inspiration from her faith and says that her prayer is to be the first girl in the family to make it to the university. Phoebe says that with the help from the scholarship, she will pull her best efforts in order to succeed academically, so as to position herself to give back to the society and help more girls and boys like her."
Phoebe Achieng’
"Grace is a fourteen year old girl doing her studies at Our Lady of Fatima Chinga Girls’ High School as a form one student. Grace says she draws her inspiration from her parents who despite life’s challenges and a hard life in Korogocho do their best to provide for the family. Her mother sells second hand wares in the market at Korogocho while her father is a casual laborer. Grace has one elder sister who is unemployed and one younger brother who is in Grade four.
“My future dream is to become a doctor”, says Grace. A dream that is dependent on her ability to remain in school. However, due to the financial challenges at home, she is in constant worry of missing out in school due to the inability to raise school fees. Grace is appealing for financial support which she says would be a boost in her dream to be the first doctor in the family. She also says that she hopes to extend the same support to her community back in Korogocho when she grows up."
Grace Muthoni Kamau
"Mohammed is a third born child in a family of six siblings. He lives with his single father who is also the breadwinner of the family. His mother left the family due to disagreements and remarried leaving Mohammed with his father. He says that despite the challenges, his father who works as a hawker does his best to provide for the family. Nonetheless, there are days they go without food for several days, but despite all these challenges, Mohammed has put in his best efforts in school. He sees education as the only route that will redeem his family from the yoke of poverty. He is appealing for financial support which he says would be a big boost, without which – his dream of supporting his family in future will be lost. In future, and with the grace of God, Mohammed hopes to start a scholarship fund to help other young people in the community."
Mohamamed Molu Nura
"Vallery is appealing for help as she comes from a very humble background. Despite the challenges, her family is her inspiration. Her elder brother studies at the university while her two sisters are at the college. This means that meeting all these responsibilities for her father who has no stable income is a huge challenge. Nevertheless, her father who is a village elder in the informal settlement works his best to provide food, clothes and shelter for the family. Vallery says that she hopes to inspire her younger sister who is currently a PP1 learner and reassure the family that someday their challenges will be in the past. She is appealing for financial help in support of her education. “I will not let you down”, says Vallery."
Vallery Anyango Odera
"At 15 years, Collins knows where he wants his life to be. He studies at Mbita High School after emerging as one of the top students at Ngunyumu Primary School in Korogocho. Despite coming from a humble background, he has big goals. He hopes to complete his studies and become a problem solver in the community as an electronics engineer. He says he loves science and believes that with the support of Miss Koch Kenya and other well-wishers, his dream will soon be achieved.
Though the family has financial challenges, his father who works as a shoe-shiner and his mother who earns a living by washing clothes for other people work hard enough to provide them with food, clothes and shelter for him and his other four siblings."
Collins Ochieng’ Otieno
"Joshua is an inspiring, God fearing, hardworking young man who says that his dream is not to gain riches rather, to gather knowledge and impart it to other young men in the community. Joshua compares himself to Joshua from the bible who brought the people of Israel to the promised land of Canaan. He says that he draws his inspiration from his family who are relentless despite the challenges life throws at them. He says that his father works his best to provide for the family, and despite them only affording one meal a day, he is grateful to have a family that is bound by love. He is appealing for financial help to support his education and offset some worries for him and his father. Joshua says he will work hard and will also give back to the community in order to give hope to other boys that life is possible despite the challenges, he says “I come from a family that believes that a road bending is not the end of the journey."
Joshua Josiah
"Vincent is a young, inspiring, God fearing student who comes from a humble family. Vincent is an orphan and lives with his aunt in Korogocho. “My aunt is my mother, and my father”, says Vincent. He works hard in school to make his aunt proud, and to support her in future as she has. His aunt has no stable income and earns a living by washing clothes for other people in the neighboring estates. Vincent is appealing for help in order to reassure him and his aunt that his dreams are still valid and within reach. He also says that he hopes to be an inspiration for the voiceless in the community, and a scholarship would be a one step in the journey of giving hope, and a voice to other boys in the community.
Vincent Nyagenya
"Ruth was born in Nyandarua County and is the first born child in the family. The family relocated to Nairobi’s Korogocho Slums when her mother died. She was five years old at the time and recalls that she and her father were desolate and the decision to relocate was made. Her father later remarried when she was in class five. Ruth’s family faces financial challenges given that her father and step-mother both don’t have a stable source of income or employment.
“My dream is to be an accountant as I want to be independent and financially disciplined to support myself and my family”, says Ruth. She is appealing for financial help in support of her education. This will also relieve some worries for her and the family. Ruth promises that all efforts to support her will not be in vain as she will put her best foot forward to focus on her schooling.
Vincent Nyagenya
"Joseph was born and raised at Kisumu Ndogo Village in the Korogocho Slums in Nairobi. He went to Makao Primary School where he sat for his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and attained 371 marks. Joseph is a bright student who clearly knows what he wants in life and works towards achieving his goals. He lives with his mother who is a single parent and has no stable income. Joseph says that despite the difficult life, her (who is a vegetable seller) mother works her best to ensure they have food on the table for him and his siblings. Due to the financial challenges, his mother cannot afford to pay the required fees for Joseph to attend school. He is appealing for help and says that a scholarship would be a relief for him, and his mother, and will give him the assurance that his dream of becoming a doctor does not fade."
Joseph Nyaga